We are a team of specialists with more than 25 years of experience in the field of financial analysis, consulting, valuation of all types of property, internal audit for enterprises of all industries and activities.
legal consultations
preparation of business plans, feasibility studies for investment projects
attracting investments, project financing
expertise and preparation of investment projects
evaluation of all types of property (real estate, securities, business, intangible assets: patents, trademarks, intellectual property, etc.)
development of automated systems for airports, cargo terminals, seaports, hub design
preparation of enterprises for mergers and acquisitions (M&A), transaction support
Обучение, проведение индивидуальных мастер-классов, коучинг для высшего менеджмента, собственников предприятий
project management, including under the PPP scheme and preparation of concession agreements
The repayment of the principal debt itself is made from the 5th year.
The real case: the company received a loan at 2.5% per annum for 10 years. By agreement of the parties, the holidays are 4 years, so at first 10% interest is paid for this period.
Together with our partners, we organize debt financing from international venture funds in the amount of $ 1.5-2 to $ 60 million (in equivalent, in any currency (yuan, dirhams, etc.) at 2.5-4.5% per annum.
Accepting money is not in Russia and Belarus. That is, borrowers can be:
a Russian company with a current account in a foreign bank;
a foreign company with a current account in the UAE or in another country by agreement.
Projects of branches of the real sector of the economy that are not related to the public sector and the defense industry are being considered. For example, such industries as construction, agriculture, extraction of natural resources, etc.
A business plan with a financial model according to the UNIDO standard must be written in Russian and English.
Compliance (verification) of the borrower is carried out by the financial company itself, no additional costs are provided for this.
Note: expenses for the arrival of an employee of the company to the place of signing the contract and meeting with the manager of the money of the financial company are reimbursed separately.
Our services in support and preparation of the transaction for obtaining a loan (investment) are paid separately according to the contract
A venture fund can enter into the capital of your borrower company, depending on the attractiveness of the project.